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dotproject for sme7 howto

Howto install dotproject on sme7. Thanks to monoman for the help with mysql setup!

dotproject is an opensource project management tool.

1. make ibay dotproject via the server-manager in  https:/yourip/server-manager
Log in as admin, collaboration -> information bays -> ad ibay
2. make domain via
configuration -> domain. Use ibay "dotproject" as content. Make it available to the world and enable active content.
3. put that domain in your hosts file or in dns so it points to the ip-address of your server.
4. make sure you can log in with ssh to do some adjustments:
configuration -> remote access -> secure access: allow access, yes, yes
5. Login with ssh (you can use putty on windows) as root.

6. goto dir where the ibay lives:
cd /home/e-smith/files/ibays/dotproject/html/

download latest version
wget /

unpack it:
tar -xzvf dotproject-v2.0.2.tar.gz

Delete index.html from the html dir.
rm index.html

7. Use mysql_setpermission to create a database (option 2), and call it whatever you want.
Don't use "root" as either dotProject administrator, or for mysql.

option 2
database: dotproject
user: dp_user
password: verysecret
Use localhost only.

That was it ... here is an overview of what you gave to me:
The database name       : dotproject
The username            : dp_user
The host(s)             : localhost

Are you pretty sure you would like to implement this [yes/no]:yes

8. Don't quit mysql_setpermission yet. Select option 7, and provide it with the same information.

-> 7. Create/append full privileges for an existing database
     and host combination (user has FULL privilege)

do exactly the same so database dotproject, user dp_user, password verysecret, localhost, no, yes

9. Enable PHPBasedir:

/sbin/e-smith/db accounts setprop dotproject PHPBaseDir /home/e-smith/files/ibays/dotproject/:/tmp
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event ibay-modify dotproject

10. Start the dotProject install:

click "start the installation"

There should be no errors.

login to the project:


and there we are.

11. In ssh delete the install dir:
rm -rf /home/e-smith/files/ibays/dotproject/html/dotproject/install